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Media Backup Procedures

Media Backup Procedures

The following are the new media backup procedures:

  1.  All shooters will be required to provide their own media in enough capacity to cover an entire wedding (SD or otherwise).
  2. All shooters must backup their media in two places:
    1. Upload to Double Knot's Portal on the night of the wedding. This quick turn around is required due to fast delivery requirements to the client. Shooters will not be paid unless media is received in full.
    2. Their personal hard drive until six months after the wedding. If the shooter does not have adequate storage, Double Knot will pay a one time fee to the shooter for the cost of a hard drive up to $70. A 2TB hard drive is recommended. Example Hard Drive
  3. All shooters are considered responsible for their own media and backup.

Any questions or issues should be promptly directed to



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